At 1 pm Chairman Marilyn Van Note opened the meeting. She shared some thoughts about this strange COVID year and how it has affected Friends. Approximately 23 members in attendance for this ZOOM meeting.
Anita Summers gave the Director’s report. •The County increased funding so hiring and training is proceeding as quickly as is possible. •Ball Ground library is being used as the Library’s training facility. •All library branches are expanding hours. All branches will now be open for limited hours. •People will need to check the SRLS website for the hours their branch will be opened. •Woodstock library is changing weekend hours from Sunday to Saturday to facilitate additional hours. •Rose Creek library will be open 3 day a week. • RT Jones is open 6 days and expanding hours opening one hour earlier each day. •Ball Ground and Hickory Flat libraries will be open 8 hours per week with variable hours. The hours open are based on the availability of staff due to the virus. • All branches will be closed on Mondays to allow staff to do work necessary out in the stacks that they cannot do when open to the public. •HF renovation is still in progress with initial concept plans expected by the end of January 2021 • SimplyE is a new, free e-reader app that is available GOOGLE Play Store and will allow patrons to access several e-book sites. •The library and the Cherokee County School District are working together to allow students to access the resources of the library with their student ID. At this time 65% of the students have signed up. This was the library’s goal for the three year mark and it was reached almost immediately. •Several branch managers have moved. Brenda Beihl retired from RC; Jill Green moved from WPL to RC; Joey Dye moved from BG to WPL; and Laura Sheehan moved from RTJ as assistant manager to manager at BG. Joan Hill read the minutes from the 2020 Annual Meeting. They were approved as read. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. See attached sheet. The report was approved. Bill Guion and Dianna Gunter gave the audit report. They reported no discrepancies and that everything was in good order. Membership report was given by Bill Guion. At present we have 163 members. Most of our current members are renewing when notified. We are not getting so many new members probably due to the lack of book sales. Grant report was given by Dianna Gunter. We have had $8900 in grants for the year. Grant funding organizations were the Joe E. Johnson Foundation, Cobb EMC Foundation and the Amicalola EMC Foundation. Susan White Award was presented by Susan Stanton. Penny Westbrook and Martha Pierce served on the committee. Dianna Gunter was the recipient. During a year when we only had one book sale Dianna worked to write grants that would allow us to be able to provide funds to the libraries. She is also a liaison to the RC branch. Nominating Committee report Chairman - Sarah Reed Vice Chairman - Marilyn Van Note Treasurer - Tom Hill Secretary - Joan Hill Membership Co-chairpersons - Bill Guion and Susan Stanton Webmaster - Savannah Parham Liaison to the Board of Trustees - Tom Hill Branch Liaisons: BG - Tom Hill (one other is needed) HF - Sarah Reed WPL - Marilyn Van Note RTJ - Susan Stanton RC - Tammy Lynn This board was approved with the exception of Tom Hill as Liaison to the Board of Trustees. He was inadvertently left him off of the list. Other business for 2021 The possibility of an outdoor book sale or bag sale was mentioned from the October meeting. The liaisons are to get together and discuss options and possibly plan a sale. The Board thanks Angela Glowcheski and Savannah Parham for making the Annual Meeting via ZOOM a reality. Bill Guion made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dianna Gunter. Meeting adjourned at 1:45. Meeting was opened at 10:00 by President Marilyn VanNote. Those in attendance were
Savannah Parham, Tammy Lynn, Tom Hill, Pat Bowen, Dianna Gunter, Susan Stanton, Bill Guion, Marilyn VanNote and Joan Hill. The minutes from the June meeting and the September 11 electronic meeting were approved. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. We have a total of $6636.78 in our account. We have deposited $25,142.62 and have dispersed $23,000 this year. Our 990-N has been filed with the State. Expenses we have had that totaled over $100 each were the Annual meeting, new signs for book sales, and our post office box rent. Susan Stanton gave the membership report with a discussion about letters for donations. It was decided to use email to send a reply letter. Bill Guion explained the renewal process for membership. He noted that we now have a PayPal Account to accept membership dues. He currently sends three notices to members to remind them that their membership is up for renewal. If after the third letter they have not renewed he drops them from roll. We currently have 169 members. He also asked the board for input on the letters he is currently using. Savannah Parham our new Webmaster was introduced. She has updated our webpage and we now have a Facebook page. Her email address is [email protected]. Marilyn announced some moves in the library system. Jill Green at WPL will be transferring to RCL and Joey Dye at BG will be transferring to WPL. A new person will have to be hired for BG. Dianna Gunter stated that grant applications have been made to Cobb EMC and Amicalola EMC. These would be for monies to help purchase kiosks for all branches. Susan Stanton will be chairing the Susan White Award Committee. The Auditing committee will be Dianna Gunter and BIll Guion. Nominating committee: Liaisons up for election - BG (candidate needed) HF - Sara Reed WPL - Marilyn Van Note RT - Susan Stanton RC - Tammy Lynn President - (candidate(s) needed) After a discussion of the current situation it was decided and approved that our Annual Meeting will be a Zoom meeting. We will have only the business session including election of Board members. Savannah will help so we may do this electronically. Several ideas were discussed concerning book sales. Among the ideas were having a curb side bag sale at one of the branches, a box sale from the POD, a porch sale at HF or RTJ. It was decided the liaisons would meet after the holidays and decide what would be best for us until we can have a regular book sale. An electronic invitation to the FOL Annual meeting will be sent out via email in mid December. A reminder will also be sent approximately 10 days prior to the January 9, 2021 meeting. An announcement will also be placed on the FOL Web Page. Board meeting dates for 2021: January 9, 2021 Annual Meeting April 10, 2021 July 10, 2021 October 9, 2021 FOL Christmas Tree at RTJ will be set up on November 17 and taken down on January 5, 2021. Meeting adjourned at 11:10. Joan Hill Secretary This is a draft copy to be approved at the April 2021 Executive Board Meeting. On September 11, 2020 Treasurer Tom Hillrequested approval from the Executive Board to
disperse $10,000.00 to the library. The request was unanimously approved. Joan Hill Secretary On June 28, 2020 Chairman Marilyn Van Note nominated Savannah Parham to fill the position
of Webmaster for the FOL and called for a vote by the board. Savannah was unanimously approved for the position by those members voting. Joan Hill Secretary Marilyn Van Note called the meeting to order at 9:30. Those in attendance were Tammy Lynn, Dianna Gunter, Bill Guion, Marilyn Van Note, Tom Hill, Joan Hill, Sarah Reed, Penny Westbrook, and Pat Bowen.
Marilyn opened the meeting with a discussion about the position of Web Master. Questions were raised concerning job description and whether or not it had been posted. Tom Hill raised the issue of the web page being out of date and reflecting poorly on the organization.and if we needed to continue to use it. Fees were discussed. Tammy Lynn volunteered to do research on the site and to be a temporary web master until someone else took the job. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. As if May 30, 2020 the general fund balance was $6,386.42. FOL balance - $2,477.65 Ball Ground - $ 310.49 Hickory Flat- $1,028.43 RT Jones- $ 581.57 Rose Creek- $ 387.06 Woodstock- $1,601.22 Post Office Box rental has been renewed for twelve months - $106.00. Additionally FOL has disbursed $8,000 to the Library so far this calendar year. Marilyn reported that Pat Bull (Woodstock) and Penny Westbrook (Ball Ground) liaisons were resigning in January. A discussion concerning book sales was opened by Marilyn. Many questions were raised: Where to have one? Do we handle money? Do we handle debit/credit cards? Social distancing? How many people would be allowed in the room? Less volunteers. Masks? Hand sanitizer? Wiping the books? Tom Hill brought up the location of the Old Hickory Flat gym. Again questions about: tables, time, cost, and volunteers. Only the larger libraries are currently open, with limited hours to the public; RT Jones, Woodstock, and Gilmer. Pickens, Hickory Flat and Rose Creek will open to the public later. It is unknown when the Community rooms will be available. Diana Gunter mentioned the Cobb FOL is planning a book sale in the fall. It was suggested that we observe them. We will plan to have our next book sale in January 2021 at R.T. Jones. A discussion of membership fees was introduced by Tammy Lynn. It was decided that we would encourage our members to continue renewing their memberships because the monies will help their branch of the libraries. And FOL continues to have expenses. i.e. PO Box rental. Bill explained how he kept the membership roster current and reminded members of their dues. Our next meeting will be October 10. Place to be arranged. Liaisons please talk with your branch managers and set dates for your 2021 book sales. Everyone please be ready to volunteer for either the nominating committee and or the Susan White Award committee. Meeting adjourned at 10:30. E-mail Request: Hi all, I have completed bank reconciliation for Jan 2020. The balance in the Friends account is $4,100. I am requesting authorization to disburse $2,000 to Cherokee County Public Libraries. That will leave $2,100 in the FOL account.
Response: On February 6, 2020 an e-mail request to the Executive Committee for authorization to disburse $2,000 to the Cherokee County Public Libraries. As of February 10, 2020 ten members of the Executive Committee had expressed support for the disbursement. Executive Committee members participating: Tammy Lynn, Susan Stanton, Penny Westbrook, Marilyn VanNote, Patricia Bull, Dianna Gunter, Sarah Reid, Bill Guion, Joan Hill and Tom Hill. President, Marilyn VanNote, Welcomed all present and thanked R.T. Jones Library for hosting the meeting. At 1:00 p. m., there were an estimated 29 members in attendance. After having the agenda approved, the first item was the presentation of the Susan E. White Award for distinguished service. The Recipient for 2019 of this award is Joan Hill. The award presentation was done by Penny Westbrook, chairperson of the committee to choose a recipient. Joan thanked the committee for the honor. Her work as a volunteer has been because of her love for reading and the libraries. She has been a volunteer and /or officer of FOL for more than 12 years.
Anita Summers, director of the Sequoyah Regional Library system, reported on the SRLS. The report centered on the request for capital outlay for the libraries in our system. Rose Creek Library was not approved. Its location is a problem as it does not allow for expansion. Hickory Flat library is in the top ten candidates this year for approval for capital outlay funds. Usually 3-5 are approved in this number. Anita described improvements and additions to Hickory Flat Library that have been requested. (See fact sheet attached to original minutes.) Anita requested that FOL and all library supporters’ contact via email or mail our legislators, especially those on the Higher Education and Appropriations subcommittees. The director stated that Feb.13 is Library Day at the Capitol and asked that as many as possible attend that day. She asked that she be contacted if you plan to attend Program; Tammy Lynn introduced the speaker, Roger Johns, a bestselling local book author and 2018 Ga. Author of the Year, who now lives in south Douglas County. He is a retired corporate lawyer and college professor who has always loved libraries and enjoys writing mysteries. After refreshments, the Business meeting was held. The minutes of the 2019 meeting were read by Vivian Little and approved as read. Treasurer’s report: Tom Hill reported the year’s deposits of $25,602.50. Total disbursements on behalf of Branches of $2, 031.98 Disbursements to Cherokee Public libraries of $23,000.00 FOL Expenses of $791.15 General Fund Balance $7,688.73 FOL Fund Balance of $2,086.14. Tom reported that an anonymous donor had made a $1,000.00 gift do Woodstock and several corporations will match funds for their employees who donate to non-profit organization. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Dan Forrester and approved. Book Sales. Tom reported that the total receipts for 2019 were better than in 2018 Total Book Sales receipts in 2019 of $14,495.33. Audit Committee Report; Dianna Gunter and Bill Guion reported that there were no discrepancies in finances and everything was in order. Grant Report: Dianna Gunter- Grant reported that Cobb EMC and Amicalola provided grants. Membership Report-Bill Guion and Susan Stanton Today there are 176 members at present. Email renewal for memberships appears to be working well. The website is: Nominating Committee Report and Election of officers-Joan Hill and Barbara Turner reported. A slate of officers was presented and elected with no further nominations from the floor. These officers will hold the positions for the coming year. Chairperson-Marilyn VanNote Vice-chairperson- Barbara Turner Treasurer-Tom Hill Secretary-Joan Hill Membership Chairpersons; Bill Guion and Susan Stanton Liaison to Library Board of Trustees-Tom Hill Liaisons to Libraries: Kate LaVail – Ball Ground Pat Bowen – Hickory Flat Joan Hill – R T Jones Dianna Gunter – Rose Creek Tina Jackson – Wood Stock The slate of officers was approved and elected with no further nominations or discussion. New Business: Proposed changes to FOL constitution and by-Laws” Bill Guion introduces certain changes which had been previously been electronically sent to members for review. Modifications to the Constitution must be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee, which they have done; Then by a two-thirds majority of the voting membership present in a general meeting. The proposal outlines 2 separate modifications to the Constitution and by-laws. (See proposals in full attached to the original minutes.) Change 1. Proposes a new membership category i.e. staff members of the Cherokee County Public libraries. “Staff members of the Cherokee County Public Libraries-free while on staff. Change 2. Adds a new member to the Friends of the Library Executive Committee; Web Master. Proposed Change: the officers of the corporation shall consist of Chairperson, Co-chairperson, and secretary. Treasurer, membership chairperson and Web master who shall be nominated an elected from the membership of the corporation. The remaining sections in Article III shall be renumbered. (A Job description for the Webmaster is included.) Bill Guion presented the proposal, Diana Gunter seconded. The proposal was passed by acclamation. The president stated that a search will begin for a present and/or future member who might be a Webmaster. She requested that suggestions for volunteers to speak with her. Announcement about the upcoming Book Sale at R.T. Jones (January 23-25) was made and a sign-up sheet was provided. Susan Almond brought up the topic of “Little Free Libraries” for children’s books. This was discussed but not action was taken. Penny Westbrook distributed Bookmarks she made with all the dates of the books sales which will be given to libraries for distribution. Ball Ground has already agreed to place one inside each book checked out. President Marilyn VanNote thanked all who worked so hard this year. As there was no other business a motion was made to adjourn at 2:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Little, Secretary Marilyn VanNote, President Meeting called to order at 1pm by Marilyn VanNote. Those in attendance: Tom Hill, Marilyn Van Note, Angela Glowcheski, John Rogers, Jan Colpitts, Catherine Hill and Joan Hill.
Tom Hill read the minutes from the last meeting and they were approved as read. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. We received a grant from Cobb EMC for $1500 to be used for the setting up of Little Libraries. He also mentioned he had set up a PayPal account through Friends for people to pay their dues electronically at no cost to Friends. Anglea G. gave the Directors report. Holiday Dates HF 12/2 BG/WPL 12/3 RTJ 12/4 RC 12/5 State funding is down 4% this year. Funding expected to be down to 17% in 2021. HF renovation is on going. Catherine Hill thanked everyone for all the help at the HF sale. Marilyn lead a discussion of the preparation for the WPL book sale. Jan checked on folks who were signed up to work. With the Saturday closing of the library we will work on Sunday this time. We have a new liaison for Ball Ground and a new liaison for WPL. FOL Christmas Tree will be set up on November 11 at 11am. It will be taken down on January 7 at 11am. 2020 Book Sale dates RTJ January 23,24,25 WPL March 19,20,21 Other dates are to be determined. Other meeting dates for the board are to be determined. Marilyn to contact Tammy Lynn about the speaker for the annual meeting. Meeting adjourned. President, Joan Hill, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. with a large number of FOL members present. Board members present were; Anita Summers, Sequoyah Library Regional Director. Jenny Johnson, Rebecca and Dan Forester, Pat Bull, Martha Pierce, Tom and Joan Hill, Marilyn Van Note, Richard Glock, , Catherine Hill, Jean Hill, Barbara and Richard Turner, Bill Guion, Carol Jackson, Penny Westbrook, Gerry Slaughter, Jill Green, Vivian Little and Jenny Johnson..
Minutes: Minutes were read by Vivian Little and were approved as read after a motion by Gerry Slaughter and second. Note*: An informal check by Jenny Johnson indicated that the Minutes sent by e-mail had not been received by the members. She will try again next meeting. Treasurer’s Report: Tom reported a current balance of $7,783.51. 2017 Disbursements to the library total $8,928.88 FOL Fund Balance on 7/01/17 $4,404.13. Membership and donations on behalf of the branches total $1,080.00 as of 3/31/17. The current balance for each Branch is: Rose Creek $507.21 R.T. Jones $757.50 Hickory Flat $726.33 Ball Ground $414.80 Woodstock $975.54 The report was accepted with no corrections. Tom Hill made a motion that: $2,000.00 be given to the Cherokee County Public Libraries. The motion was seconded by Dan Forrester and passed. See attached for full treasurer’s report. Membership Report- Jenny Johnson reported that 42 members did not renew memberships in 2015, leaving a total of 314 current memberships. 321 members have been sent E-cards. She again noted that a membership card is not needed as all names are on the memberships list in the computer is taken to each Book Sale. The remainder requested a paper membership card. Currently Jenny can enter the expiration date when the names go in the computer and an auto e-mail goes to the members at the first of the month that their membership is due for renewal. From the Library Director, Anita Summers (see attached written report) ~ Sequoyah Regional library system had a very successful summer to date for Adult, Teen and Teen literacy programs. She thanked FOL for providing funds for new summer pogroms. ~Several projects at Branch libraries were mentioned.
~The SRLS administrators are doing a facilities study to determine the need for renovations and additions to present libraries. The oldest libraries, Rose Creek and Hickory Flat, will be focused on first. ~ After researching the state laws on raffles SRLS has decided to discontinue raffles at the libraries. FOL will need to take this into consideration. Grants-Pat Bowen –3 different EMC grants are ready to be submitted by the end of July. –Tom reported that we received $5,300.00 in grants in 2016 and that Pat is applying for 3 this year. Book Sale Reports: Jenny Johnson reported that Ball Ground had 110 members and May Book Sales of $1,350.00 She announced that Dan and Rebecca Forester will be retiring as Liaisons for Ball Ground and will no longer direct the Book Sale there. She thanked them for a wonderful job, tireless work and good spirit as they had worked as liaisons. Unfinished Business: Catherine Hill reported on the research for purchasing new table. She gave the best price for solid tables, not folding ones, as $49.95 each. She stated that the folding ones are not sturdy enough to hold the many books placed on them. There was discussion by members concerning the number and the storage needed at each library. It was the consensus to spend up to $400 to purchase black solid tables. Tom reported on the Book Bag sales. He wants to discuss with the Branch managers about the need and kind. Marilyn Van Note expressed hesitancy about obtaining more bags as there are still many available at several branches. The decision was to table this as it appears it is not needed as this time. FOL has been selling DVDs and used books on eBay and have sold several. Marilyn and Tom Hill discussed the updated brochures. Marilyn has a template which she will send to Jenny who will make changes. She and Jenny will work together on this. ~ Lisa Huskey of R.T. Jones asked for help with the DNA event at R.T. Jones on Nov. 13th at 3.p.m. A writer for the Atlanta Journal will be leading this. There is a $150.00 fee for this which Tom stated we will pay $75.00. New Business; Book Sale: Catherine Hill and Gerry Slaughter, HFL Liaisons, reported that the next Book Sale will be at Hickory Flat August 17-19th. She passed a sign-up sheet for anyone who could volunteer. Meeting Dates: The next Executive Board meeting will be Sept 30th at Rose Creek. Books Sales Schedule: R.T. Jones- Jan.26-28 Woodstock- March 16-18 Ball Ground-May18-20, Hickory Flat–August 17-19 Rose Creek Oct. 5-7 As there was no other business a motion was made to adjourn. Refreshments were provided by several members. Joey Byers was thanked for setting up the tables for the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Little, Secretary Joan Hill, President President, Joan Hill, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p. m. after determining there was a quorum of members present. Attending were; Catherine Hill, Dan Forrester, Rebecca Forrester, Dianna Gunter, Joan Hill, Tom Hill, Gerry Slaughter, Jill Green, Vivian Little.
Minutes: Minutes were read by Vivian Little and were approved as read after a motion and second. Treasurer’s report: Tom reported an opening balance of $8,779.59 Disbursements to Cherokee Public Libraries: $4,998.66 since January. Receipts: The current balance for each Branch is: Rose Creek $429.71, R.T. Jones $690.00 Hickory Flat $541.33 Ball Ground $344.80 Woodstock $865.54 A designated gift of $428.66 received on behalf of Cherokee County Public Libraries. Tom made a motion that $3,000.00 be given to the Cherokee County Public Libraries. The motion was seconded by Dan and passed. See attached for full treasurer’s report. Membership Report-Susan and Jenny: absent-no report From the Library Director, Anita Summers (see attached written report) ~ Sequoyah Regional library system had a tent at the first Play in Canton Day, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department on Sa.t March.4 at the new Etowah River Park in Canton. 4 staff members attended and 10 library cards were issued using the mobile library hotspot. Staff promoted all the programs and services offered other than just books resulting in 20 attending the next day for the Lego club where only 1 or 2 had been coming. Library legislative Day Anita and several other library staff members form Cherokee, Gilmer and Pickens County attended the legislative Day and were able to speak to our representatives and the House speaker. ~State Budget for Libraries –Ga. House and Senate voted to fund $4 million for Maintenance, Repair and Renovation and $3,190, 00 for Technology and 25 cents per capital for materials. She urged us to thank our legislators. ~Federal Budget- Eliminates the institute of Museum and library Science which funded grant programs such as the STEAM grants, staff training ,Library services for the blind and physically handicapped, and more. ~SRLS Website makeover: new SRLS website activated in March, developed by Chris Hanson, Web Services Coordinator for the system. ~Steam Technology: littleBits Project- A Cherokee patron, Raleigh, age 8, used the littleBits kit to make an invention that was featured on the litleBits project website as a new and noteworthy design. ~Staff changes-Assistant Director, Vicki Gazaway will retire on May 31. The current Public Services director will take the position and the PS Director Position will be renamed “Community Engagement Coordinator”. Laurie Porter resigned as Admi. Asst. but will continue to work at R. T. Jones part time. Brittany Smith started March 1 as Administrative Asst. Grants-Pat Bowen –absent no report –Tom reported that we received $5,300.00 in grants in 2016 and that Pat is applying for 3 this year. Book sale Reports: R.T.Jones-: Profit of $2,677.45 in sales and memberships. Woodstock—Pat Bull Liaison – (written report)-Profit of $2,900.00. High School students continue to volunteer for their senior projects. Donations: All overage books were donated: 5 boxes to the Training Center, 20 boxes to Ace Academy and Learning Center, 50 boxes to the Salvation Army, 5-6 boxes to Bethany Place, 6-9 boxes to the jail and 42 to No Longer Bound. We still have 200 boxes left in the POD. Tom has made a diagram showing where they are located by type. New Business; Rebecca Forrester made a motion that a book be donated to the Hickory Flat library in memory of Betty Adams. She and her husband have been long time FOL members and have worked at most of the book sales. The motion was seconded by Dan Forrester and passed. Donation for Memorial Books are in the amount of $25.00. Tom hill stated that we need to buy some extra tables to store at branch libraries rather than pick them up from the branch libraries for each book sale. After discussion a motion was made by Dan and seconded by Catherine Hill to purchase new tables. Dan suggested 6. After discussion of pricing the motion was amended to ‘spend up to $400.00 for tables “The motion passed was that FOL will purchase a number of new tables, for a total of up to $400.00. (Number to be determined by the price). The motion was passed. Catherine, Tom and others will investigate costs and where best to purchase the tables. Tom stated that we are almost out of the Friends books bags used as a fundraiser for the local libraries. He told of a company where they could be obtained for a low price but would include advertisers printed on 1 side. After some discussion, and concerns, a motion was made by Catherine Hill to do more research and bring the topic up again at the next Board meeting in July. Gerry Slaughter seconded and all agreed. Book Sale: Rebecca and Dan Forrester Liaisons. The next Book Sale will be at Ball Ground Library on May 17, 18, and 19. Set up days will be May 15, 16, 17.The POB storage unit is there now. The new manager at Ball Ground is working to schedule an event at the library at that time that will not require the use of the room where the book sale is located. Liaisons’; The Liaisons’ for Rose Creek, Dick O’Conner and Woodstock (Mary Beth) resigned. These positions will need to be filled. Jill Green, Woodstock Manager, expressed her gratitude for what the Liaisons’ and Friends do for the Libraries. President, Joan Hill, thanked her for hosting this meeting. A suggestion was made that liaisons send Birthday cards to the branch managers of each library. Meeting Dates: The next Executive Board meeting will be July 15th at Ball Ground library. Books Sales Schedule: R.T. Jones- Jan.26-28 Woodstock- March 16-18 Ball Ground-May18-20, Hickory Flat–August 17-19 Rose Creek Oct. 5-7 As there was no other business a motion was made to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Little, secretary Joan Hill, president |