Friends of the Library Annual Meeting at R. T. Jones Memorial Library for January 15, 20221/15/2022
President Sarah Reed opened the meeting at 1:00 pm and thanked R,T. Jones for hosting the
event. The first order of business was the presentation of the Susan E. White Award. Susan Stanton thanked Martha Pierce and Penny Westbrook for their assistance on the committee. This year’s recipients were Dan and Rececca Forrester. Tom Hill made the presentation. Dan and Rebecca have been active in FOL for many years. They have served on every committee and were co-chairmen for several years. Anita Summers, Director of the Sequoyah Regional System opened her report by introducing Angela Cortellino who will become the new director on February 1. Anita thanked FOL for all the help it has given the system through the years. Other points made were: Hickory Flat(HF) renovation plans continue, the new Stratigic Plan has been implemented and is being followed, and the RFID system is in place in all branches. She also noted the state legislature is now in session with the Georgia Council for Public Libraries asking for $1.00 Per capita for books. Matching grants for updates for Woodstock Public Library(WPL) have also been made. Joan Hill introduced John Rogers, Community Engagement Manager for Sequoyah Regional Library System, who presented our program on What is Happening in the Libraries. This was a very informative program about the who, what, where, and how a person can get involved in the libraries and all the services that are offered. Joan Hill presented the minutes for the 2021 Annual meeting. The minutes were approved. Dianna Gunter gave the grants report. We received grants from Cobb EMC that helped to purchase kiosks for the different branches to buy supplies for our bookstore. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. FOL had $34,633 in deposits for 2021. Please see attached for the complete report. He stated that we had $11,000 from the WPL bookstore. Dianna Gunter gave the audit committee report. Bill Guion and Dianna found no discrepancies in finances and everything was in order. The membership report was given by Bill Guion. We currently have 132 members. Our membership seems constant at this time. Bill feels membership might improve with the large book sales. There appears to be some difficulty in paying for a membership on line with Square. This will need to be addressed. The nominating committee report was given by Joan Hill. The following were nominated: Chairman Sarah Reed
The slate of officers and liaisons was approved. Other thoughts that were discussed during the meeting were:
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