Meeting was opened at 10:00 by President Marilyn VanNote. Those in attendance were
Savannah Parham, Tammy Lynn, Tom Hill, Pat Bowen, Dianna Gunter, Susan Stanton, Bill Guion, Marilyn VanNote and Joan Hill. The minutes from the June meeting and the September 11 electronic meeting were approved. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. We have a total of $6636.78 in our account. We have deposited $25,142.62 and have dispersed $23,000 this year. Our 990-N has been filed with the State. Expenses we have had that totaled over $100 each were the Annual meeting, new signs for book sales, and our post office box rent. Susan Stanton gave the membership report with a discussion about letters for donations. It was decided to use email to send a reply letter. Bill Guion explained the renewal process for membership. He noted that we now have a PayPal Account to accept membership dues. He currently sends three notices to members to remind them that their membership is up for renewal. If after the third letter they have not renewed he drops them from roll. We currently have 169 members. He also asked the board for input on the letters he is currently using. Savannah Parham our new Webmaster was introduced. She has updated our webpage and we now have a Facebook page. Her email address is [email protected]. Marilyn announced some moves in the library system. Jill Green at WPL will be transferring to RCL and Joey Dye at BG will be transferring to WPL. A new person will have to be hired for BG. Dianna Gunter stated that grant applications have been made to Cobb EMC and Amicalola EMC. These would be for monies to help purchase kiosks for all branches. Susan Stanton will be chairing the Susan White Award Committee. The Auditing committee will be Dianna Gunter and BIll Guion. Nominating committee: Liaisons up for election - BG (candidate needed) HF - Sara Reed WPL - Marilyn Van Note RT - Susan Stanton RC - Tammy Lynn President - (candidate(s) needed) After a discussion of the current situation it was decided and approved that our Annual Meeting will be a Zoom meeting. We will have only the business session including election of Board members. Savannah will help so we may do this electronically. Several ideas were discussed concerning book sales. Among the ideas were having a curb side bag sale at one of the branches, a box sale from the POD, a porch sale at HF or RTJ. It was decided the liaisons would meet after the holidays and decide what would be best for us until we can have a regular book sale. An electronic invitation to the FOL Annual meeting will be sent out via email in mid December. A reminder will also be sent approximately 10 days prior to the January 9, 2021 meeting. An announcement will also be placed on the FOL Web Page. Board meeting dates for 2021: January 9, 2021 Annual Meeting April 10, 2021 July 10, 2021 October 9, 2021 FOL Christmas Tree at RTJ will be set up on November 17 and taken down on January 5, 2021. Meeting adjourned at 11:10. Joan Hill Secretary This is a draft copy to be approved at the April 2021 Executive Board Meeting. Comments are closed.