Chairman Sarah Reed called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM and thanked RT Jones Public Library for hosting the meeting.
Attendance Those in attendance were Executive Board members:
Director’s Report (Angela Cortellino, Regional Director) Angela Cortellino opened her remarks with a thank you to FOL for its continued donations, time, and energy. FOL’s Impact in 2024:
Guest Speaker – Mary Anne Edwards Sarah Reed introduced guest speaker Mary Anne Edwards, author of the Charlie McClung mystery series.
Approval of 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes Secretary Joan Hill read the minutes of the 2024 Annual Meeting for approval. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill) FOL had its best financial year yet, with a total income of $49,217.21 from:
(See attached document for an account breakdown.) eBay Charity Account Sarah Reed explained the eBay charity account she established for FOL.
Disbursement Request: $8,500.00 to Cherokee libraries (approved). Audit Committee Report (Linda Portman)
Susan White Award Presented by Susan Stanton, who thanked Penny Westbrook and Martha Pierce for assisting in the selection process.
Grants Report (Dianna Gunter)
Membership Report (Sarah Reed)
Nominating Committee Report (Joan Hill) 2025 Board Nominations: Executive Board:
All nominations were approved. New Business Membership Growth Initiative:
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. At 1:00 PM, Chairman Sarah Reed called the meeting to order.
Attendance Those in attendance were Linda Portman, Kara Rumble, Mary Anne Edwards, Susan Stanton, Gerry Slaughter, Pat Bull, Tom Hill, Sarah Reed, and Joan Hill. Approval of Minutes The Secretary’s report was given by Joan Hill. The minutes from the July meeting were approved with one correction. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill)
Membership Report (Sarah Reed)
Grants Report (Tom Hill for Dianna Gunter)
Bookstore Report (Tom Hill)
Volunteer Recruitment and Sales Frequency
New Business Committee Assignments
Library System Report (Kara Rumble, Deputy Director)
New Federal Reporting Requirement Tom Hill reported that a new federal reporting requirement for FOL will soon be implemented. The organization will need to update records anytime the Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary changes. Approval of 2025 Quarterly Meeting Dates The following 2025 board meeting dates were approved:
FOL Donations for Cherokee Collections and Programming
Publicity Committee Report (Susan Stanton) The Publicity Committee has met and is reviewing options for advertising FOL and promoting bookstores. Strategic Plan for Libraries (Tom Hill) Tom Hill introduced the 25-year strategic plan for Cherokee County Libraries, which was developed by an outside organization. The plan outlines:
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. At 1:00 PM, Chairman Sarah Reed called the meeting to order at Hickory Flat Public Library.
Attendance Those in attendance were Angela Cortellino, Susan Stanton, Gerry Slaughter, Kara Rumble, Tom Hill, Dianna Gunter, Pat Bull, Cathy Bridges, Mary Anne Edwards, Sarah Reed, and Joan Hill. Approval of Minutes Secretary Joan Hill asked for the approval of the minutes, which were approved. She also requested that a record of disbursement from Tom Hill (Treasurer) be added to the minutes. This record was also approved. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill)
Individual Branch Balances:
Cherokee County Activity Report (Kara Rumble, Assistant Director) Over the summer, 200+ programs/activities were held at different branches, including the opening of the newly renovated Hickory Flat Library. See attached document for additional highlights. Upcoming Activities:
Grant Report (Dianna Gunter)
Bookstore Report (Tom Hill)
New Business Cherokee County Commissioners Art Competition
Partnership Agreement Review
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. President Sarah Reed opened the meeting at 1:05 PM.
Attendance Those in attendance were Dianna Gunter, Susan Stanton, Kyle Bennett, Bill Guion, Gerry Slaughter, Pat Bull, Kara Rumble, Sarah Reed, and Joan Hill. Approval of Minutes Secretary Joan Hill asked if there were any corrections to the July 15, 2023 minutes. There were none. The minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report Joan Hill gave the treasurer’s report in Tom Hill’s absence.
Library System Report (Kara Rumble) Assistant Director Kara Rumble reported on the ongoing activities at the libraries.
Branch Highlights for the Last Quarter: See attached memo. Upcoming Events:
Spring Art Competition Sponsorship Request Angela Cortellino requested that FOL consider sponsoring a Spring Art Competition hosted by the CCSD and County Commissioners. After discussing the pros and cons, the board decided to gather more information before making a decision. An email vote will be conducted once additional details are available. Membership Report (Bill Guion)
Grants Report (Dianna Gunter)
Bookstore Report (Joan Hill for Tom Hill)
November Book Sale Planning A discussion was held regarding the November Book Sale. It was decided that:
Committee Assignments
Proposed 2024 Board Meeting Dates
RT Jones Large Book Sale Discussion A discussion was held regarding a large book sale at RT Jones in 2024. Concerns were raised about ensuring enough books for both bookstores and a large sale. The board decided to consult with Lisa Fowler and make a decision at a later date. Electronic Media Committee Sarah Reed stated she would work on the new committee dealing with electronic media. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM. At 1:07 PM, President Sarah Reed called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Kara Rumble, Tammy Lynn, Dianna Gunter, Judi Smith, Susan Stanton, Tom Hill, Bill Guion, and Joan Hill.
Approval of Minutes Secretary Joan Hill requested approval of the minutes from the October meeting with one correction. The minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill)
Total deposits for 2023 amount to $9,874.01, while total disbursements amount to $7,500.00. Tom requested approval for a $9,500 disbursement to the libraries, which was approved. Director’s Report (Kara Rumble on behalf of the Director) The third quarter has shown growth in all areas compared to last year.
Membership Report (Bill Guion) There are currently 165 members, an increase due to recent renewals and new members. Approximately half of all members renew or join online. The next round of renewal notices will be sent in May. Grant Report (Dianna Gunter)
Bookstore and Book Sale Report (Tom Hill)
New Business Signage for the Woodstock Book Sale RoomSusan Stanton proposed installing a bulletin board in the book sale room to explain how FOL funds from book sales are used. The board agreed it was a good idea, and Sarah Reed will speak with Joey Dye for permission to install the board. Book Sales at Rose Creek and Other Branches There is a perception among some branches that hosting large book sales will increase FOL memberships and revenue. However, membership numbers may or may not increase as a result of hosting a sale.
Vice Chair Appointment Kyle Bennett was approved as Vice Chairman for the FOL Board. Hickory Flat Renovation Update Renovation is progressing well, but an electrical switch needed for the project will not be available until 2024. A request will be made to use an older version of the switch until the new one arrives. Book Offer from MetroFOL in SW Atlanta MetroFOL offered 5,000 books to FOL. However, due to uncertainty about book quality and type, as well as an unworkable time frame, the board declined the offer. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 PM. President Sarah Reed opened the meeting at 1:00 PM and thanked RT Jones for hosting the meeting.
Attendance Those in attendance were Executive Board members Dianna Gunter, Susan Stanton, Tom Hill, Judi Smith, Bill Guion, Gerry Slaughter, Tammy Lynn, Pat Bull, Jay Cadwell, and Sarah Reed, along with about 30 others. Susan White Award Presentation The first order of business was the presentation of the Susan White Award. Susan Stanton thanked Penny Westbrook and Martha Pierce for their assistance on the committee. This year's recipient was Vicki Gazaway. Vicki was a long-time employee at RT Jones and has been active in FOL for many years. Director’s Report (Angela Cortellino) Angela Cortellino, Regional Director, opened her remarks with a word of thanks to the FOL for their continuing support. The grants, donations, and time given have helped the libraries continue to provide new programming and materials to the communities. Other points made were:
Guest Speaker Sarah Reed introduced our speaker, Christopher Swann. Dr. Swann is a high school English teacher and Georgia Writer of the Year. He gave a very interesting and entertaining talk about various authors that inspired him to write. He has several published works. Approval of Minutes Joan Hill presented the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting for approval. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill) Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. We have had the best year yet. Our total income for the year was $40,417.99, coming from the following sources:
Grants Report (Dianna Gunter) Dianna Gunter gave the grants report. We have received $4,500 in grants for this year.
Audit Report Dianna Gunter gave the audit report. She and Bill Guion met with Tom Hill, treasurer, asked questions, and reviewed his paperwork. There were no discrepancies. Membership Report (Bill Guion) Bill Guion gave the membership report. We currently have 156 members. He sent out 58 renewal notices last week and has had 11 renewals thus far. Nominating Committee Report (Joan Hill) Joan Hill gave the nominating committee report. The following were nominated for 2023:
New Business Creation of Two New Volunteer Positions Creation of two new volunteer positions: Print Media Director and Activities Coordinator. A discussion of the job description of each of these positions took place. At this time, no action was taken. Book Sale Update – RT Jones
Annual Meeting Location Change The location for the annual meeting for next year was discussed. Dianna Gunter made a motion to move the meeting to Woodstock Public Library next year. Tom Hill seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Next year’s annual meeting will be held on January 13, 2024, at WPL. Adjournment Gerry Slaughter made a motion to adjourn. Susan Stanton seconded. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM. At 1:00 pm, President Sarah Reed called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Susan Stanton, Gerry Slaughter, Bill Guion, Dianna Gunter, Judi Smith, Angela Cortellino, Tom Hill, Laurie Darrow, and Joan Hill.
Approval of Minutes Secretary Joan Hill asked that the minutes from the April 23, 2022, meeting be approved. The minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report Tom Hill gave the Treasurer’s report:
Executive Director’s Update (Angela Cortellino)
Membership Report (Bill Guion) In April, there were 155 members. The current membership is 154. Bill recently sent out 33 renewal notices and has received eight responses so far. Grant Report (Dianna Gunter)
Woodstock Bookstore Report (Tom Hill)
New Business
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 pm. The meeting was called to order by President Sarah Reed at 1:05 PM. Those in attendance were Susan Stanton, Bill Guion, Pat Bull, Tom Hill, Sarah Reed, Tammy Lynn, Dianna Gunter, Gerry Slaughter, Judi Smith, Joey Dye, and Joan Hill.
Approval of Minutes Secretary Joan Hill asked that the minutes from the October meeting be approved. They were approved. She also requested that the disbursements from January 16, 2022, and January 25, 2022, which were approved by electronic vote, be included in the minutes. The request was approved. Treasurer’s Report (Tom Hill)
Director’s Report (Joey Dye on behalf of Angela Cortellini)
Membership Report (Bill Guion) In January, there were 132 members. As of April, there were 155 members. Renewal notices will be sent out soon, and approximately four members are expected not to renew. The recent updates to the website have successfully allowed members to pay their dues online. Grant Report (Dianna Gunter)
Bookstore Report (Tom Hill) The bookstore has generated $3,892.22 in revenue so far this year. If sales continue at this rate, proceeds will match the income from past large book sales. Advertising Discussion Ideas for increasing awareness included:
New Business
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 PM. Friends of the Library Annual Meeting at R. T. Jones Memorial Library for January 15, 20221/15/2022
President Sarah Reed opened the meeting at 1:00 pm and thanked R,T. Jones for hosting the
event. The first order of business was the presentation of the Susan E. White Award. Susan Stanton thanked Martha Pierce and Penny Westbrook for their assistance on the committee. This year’s recipients were Dan and Rececca Forrester. Tom Hill made the presentation. Dan and Rebecca have been active in FOL for many years. They have served on every committee and were co-chairmen for several years. Anita Summers, Director of the Sequoyah Regional System opened her report by introducing Angela Cortellino who will become the new director on February 1. Anita thanked FOL for all the help it has given the system through the years. Other points made were: Hickory Flat(HF) renovation plans continue, the new Stratigic Plan has been implemented and is being followed, and the RFID system is in place in all branches. She also noted the state legislature is now in session with the Georgia Council for Public Libraries asking for $1.00 Per capita for books. Matching grants for updates for Woodstock Public Library(WPL) have also been made. Joan Hill introduced John Rogers, Community Engagement Manager for Sequoyah Regional Library System, who presented our program on What is Happening in the Libraries. This was a very informative program about the who, what, where, and how a person can get involved in the libraries and all the services that are offered. Joan Hill presented the minutes for the 2021 Annual meeting. The minutes were approved. Dianna Gunter gave the grants report. We received grants from Cobb EMC that helped to purchase kiosks for the different branches to buy supplies for our bookstore. Tom Hill gave the treasurer’s report. FOL had $34,633 in deposits for 2021. Please see attached for the complete report. He stated that we had $11,000 from the WPL bookstore. Dianna Gunter gave the audit committee report. Bill Guion and Dianna found no discrepancies in finances and everything was in order. The membership report was given by Bill Guion. We currently have 132 members. Our membership seems constant at this time. Bill feels membership might improve with the large book sales. There appears to be some difficulty in paying for a membership on line with Square. This will need to be addressed. The nominating committee report was given by Joan Hill. The following were nominated: Chairman Sarah Reed
The slate of officers and liaisons was approved. Other thoughts that were discussed during the meeting were:
Sarah Reed called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Marilyn VanNote, Tom Hill, Susan Stanton, Bill Guion, Angela Glowcheski, Pat Bowen(phone), Dianna Gunter, Tammy Lynn, Sarah Reed and Joan Hill.
At our October meeting we discussed the liaisons getting together in the spring to devise a way to sell some books. Anita Summers and the library have offered space for FOL to sell books. We discussed pros and cons of opening a bookstore in Woodstock Public Library. It was the unanimous decision of the board to try this way of selling books. Angela said the room would be available in 3-6 weeks. We will meet again in early May to evaluate this new venture. We will also discuss other ways we may be able to sell books. Joan Hill Secretary |